September 01, 2015

Planetary News: The Return of Fiat Lux and Beginning of a New Program

We have wonderful news! After three years of silence, Fiat Lux returns! We've undergone a few changes, but the mission will remain the same. This site will remain dedicated to teaching about the wonders of the universe from a Creationist perspective.

To kick off the return of Fiat Lux, we're going to begin a new semi-monthly series called "Our Created Solar System". The series will take readers through the Solar System, from Mercury out to Pluto, and discuss how each and every object in our Solar System is evidence for Creation, and how those same objects disprove the notion that our Solar System came about on its own billions of years ago. Much of the direction for this program will draw from a 2006 presentation given by U.S. Military Space Engineer Spike Psarris at the Seattle Creation Conference.

We will be drawing a lot from Spike's presentation, but there will also be extra information independently researched. Spike has a lot of important things to tell us, though, so we're going to draw heavily from him. In his own words, "Although we are told... over and over again that science has it all figured out, that Evolution is the answer, that there are no problems with this theory whatsoever... I'm here to tell you that's not true."

We will see and hear more from Spike and Fiat Lux in the coming weeks. Look for a new post in the Our Created Solar System series every first and third Saturday of the month! And don't worry, we'll still post the information you've come to expect: exoplanets, whenever we can. We've lot's to catch up on in the realm of planets beyond our Solar System.

Image taken from

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